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State Intimidation Won’t Silence Our Voices: The Abductions Must Stop
June 24, 2024
To the government: Stop the abductions. Stop the intimidation. Start listening. Our future depends on it.
State Intimidation Won't Silence Our Voices: The Abductions Must Stop

In a disturbing turn of events, our country’s young voices are being silenced through fear and intimidation. Shad Khalif, a vocal critic of the Finance Bill 2024, has gone missing after being abducted from a shopping centre in South B, Nairobi. This isn’t an isolated incident. His abduction on Sunday evening is part of a chilling trend targeting those brave enough to speak out against the proposed taxes.

Shad was followed by a black double-cab pickup and a white Toyota Prado before being forcibly taken by men believed to be plainclothes detectives. His only crime? Exercising his right to protest and opposing a bill that burdens the youth. Shad has been vocal, insisting that the movement against the bill is organic and has no financier or leader. Despite his transparency, he’s been targeted and silenced.

Shockingly, Shad’s abduction follows the release of Dr. Austin Omondi a.k.a Japrado, another protester who was kidnapped and later released under mysterious circumstances. Even more alarming, Attorney General Justine Muturi’s son, Leslie, faced a similar fate. Leslie’s abduction and subsequent release after hours of detention highlight a disturbing pattern: the state is resorting to fear tactics to stifle dissent.

Billy Simani, known to many as Crazy Nairobian, was also recently detained. His release came only after massive public outcry, with over 50,000 Kenyans joining an X Space to demand his freedom. These incidents paint a grim picture of a government more interested in silencing its youth than addressing their legitimate concerns.

The Finance Bill 2024 has sparked nationwide protests, drawing international attention. The youth, bearing the brunt of its punitive measures, have been clear in their stance. Instead of engaging in dialogue, the state has chosen a path of intimidation.

It’s time to call out these cowardly acts. The government must understand that abductions and fear-mongering will not silence the youth. We demand accountability. We demand that our voices be heard without fear of retribution. 

As we prepare for more protests this week, culminating in a major demonstration on Tuesday, let this message be clear: the youth will not be silenced. The roads may be blocked, but our resolve is unbreakable. We will continue to speak out until real solutions are found.

To the government: Stop the abductions. Stop the intimidation. Start listening. Our future depends on it.