The Digital Dawn: How Kenyan Youth Harnessed Social Media to Ignite a Revolution

The Digital Dawn: How Kenyan Youth Harnessed Social Media to Ignite a Revolution

In the heart of Nairobi, a revolution brewed not with weapons, but with clicks, likes, and shares. This is the story of how Kenyan youth, armed with smartphones and a fierce sense of justice, challenged authority and demanded change.

It all began with the introduction of the Finance Bill 2024 by the government, igniting swift outrage among the populace. However, it was the youth who swiftly transformed this anger into action. Platforms like TikTok and X became pivotal as they were used to disseminate videos in various Kenyan dialects, explaining the intricacies of the bill and rallying widespread support.

In addition to educational content, the youth flooded social media with AI-generated images, songs, and compelling videos. These efforts aimed not only to inform but also to mobilize people across the nation.

Simultaneously, personal information such as the phone numbers of political leaders was leaked, enabling protesters to bombard them with SMS and WhatsApp messages. This tactic, while effective in amplifying their voices, prompted the office of the data protection commissioner to issue a stern warning, urging activists to cease these activities.

Despite dismissals from President Ruto’s allies, who labeled protesters as “wealthy, entitled kids” using Uber to attend protests with iPhones and dining at KFC. Hashtags like #OccupyParliament and #RejectFinanceBill2024 trended for days. Simultaneously, digital crowdfunding campaigns raised funds to support more protesters in Nairobi’s central business district, transforming what began as a small outcry into a nationwide protest.

President Ruto’s anger at the protests only fueled the movement further, leading to a significant shift in public opinion. Many who had once cheered Ruto’s promises of economic relief now found themselves standing in opposition to his proposed reforms. This shift underscored the power of digital activism to hold leaders accountable. Ultimately, the pressure generated by the protests and online campaigns compelled President Ruto to withdraw the Finance Bill 2024.

The Nationwide protests show that online pressure can make political leaders listen and act.

As the dust settles, one thing is clear: Kenyan youth have ushered in a new era of activism. Their creative, tech-savvy approach proves that revolutions can be fought with keyboards and smartphones.

Navigating Mental Well-being Amidst Kenya’s Ongoing Protests

Navigating Mental Well-being Amidst Kenya’s Ongoing Protests

The Kenya Finance Bill protests, widely recognized by the hashtag #RejectFinanceBill2024, have sparked a series of ongoing decentralized mass demonstrations across the country. These protests arose in response to proposed tax increases in the Finance Bill 2024, which many Kenyans view as burdensome.

As Kenyans continue to voice their concerns and take to the streets, these events’ emotional and mental toll is significant. Whether actively participating in the protests or observing them through various media channels, the impact on mental well-being is undeniable. In these challenging times, it is crucial to explore ways to manage and maintain our mental health amidst the turmoil.

Here are some practical tips that can help you support your mental well-being before, during, and after protests:

Practice Deep Breathing: Engage in simple breathing exercises to calm your nervous system. Try inhaling slowly through your nose for four counts, holding for two counts, and exhaling through your nose for six counts.

Listen to Your Body: Pay attention to physical signals from your body. If you feel tired, take time to rest. Ensure you are eating properly and staying hydrated to maintain your energy levels.

Acknowledge Your Emotions: Recognize and accept the wide range of emotions you may be experiencing. Journaling can help you process these feelings and gain better emotional clarity.

Stay Connected: Contact friends and family to share your thoughts and feelings. Open conversations with trusted individuals can provide emotional support and reduce feelings of isolation.

Take Screen Breaks: Limit your exposure to distressing news and social media. Allocate time each day to disconnect from digital devices and engage in activities that bring you joy and relaxation.

Get Quality Sleep: Ensure you get a good night’s sleep to be well-rested and energized

Seek Professional Help: If managing your emotions becomes too challenging, don’t hesitate to seek help from a mental health professional. Therapy can provide valuable support and coping strategies during these difficult times.

Engage in Physical Activity: Regular exercise can help reduce stress and improve your mood. Even a short walk can have significant benefits for your mental well-being.

Practice Mindfulness and Meditation: Mindfulness and meditation practices can help you stay present and reduce anxiety. Find a quiet space and spend a few minutes focusing on your breath or a calming mantra.

Set Boundaries: It’s important to know your limits and set boundaries. If you’re feeling overwhelmed, give yourself permission to step back and take a break from the protests and related activities.

Find Supportive Communities: Connect with groups or organizations that share your concerns. Being part of a supportive community can provide a sense of belonging and mutual encouragement.

By incorporating these tips into your daily routine, you can better support your mental well-being while continuing to advocate for the changes you believe in during the #RejectFinanceBill2024 protests. Practising self-care and seeking support are vital in maintaining our mental health and sustaining our advocacy efforts. Remember, taking care of yourself is not a sign of weakness but a crucial step in the fight for justice and equality.

A Nation in Turmoil 

A Nation in Turmoil 

On Thursday, June 26, the streets of Nairobi were filled with a haunting smell of tear gas and the heavy presence of military personnel, a day after protesters stormed parliament over a controversial tax plan. The protests, which sought to defy the proposed Finance Bill 2024 that threatened to increase the cost of living, ended in tragedy with at least 22 lives lost, according to a human rights group.

The streets were unsettlingly quiet the following day, marked by the fear and uncertainty that had gripped the capital. The violence and loss have left the nation mourning and questioning: How did we get here? Why did the president choose to respond with such force? Could these deaths have been avoided?

President William Ruto, in a national address, labelled the protests as “treasonous” and declared them an “existential threat.” His stern words and vow to quash any unrest “at whatever cost” only served to heighten tensions. Many Kenyans, especially the youth who once rallied behind him, felt betrayed. Herman Manyora, a professor at the University of Nairobi, remarked that Ruto missed an opportunity to calm the nation and empathize with the young protesters. Instead, they saw an angry president who seemed more interested in issuing threats than seeking solutions.

Among the victims was a 19-year-old boy, shot dead while peacefully protesting. His mother, Edith Wanjiku, tearfully demanded justice, asking, “Why was my son killed for speaking out? Who will hold these police officers accountable?” Her grief echoed the sentiments of many families who lost their loved ones in the chaos.

Kenya’s social fabric is strained but not broken. The protests have united people beyond tribal and other divisions in a shared struggle against the rising cost of living. This movement, led predominantly by the youth, has shown remarkable resilience. Despite the fear and the tragic loss of lives, they remain determined to prevent the finance bill from becoming law.

The future is uncertain. Will the government heed the calls of the young people, or will it continue to respond with brute force? How many more lives will be lost before a resolution is reached? The nation watches and waits, hoping for a peaceful end to this turmoil.

Kenya’s Deadly Protest: A Nation in Flames

Kenya’s Deadly Protest: A Nation in Flames

Tuesday will be remembered as a day of chaos and violence in Kenya. The country’s capital, Nairobi, witnessed a deadly confrontation between protesters and police, resulting in several deaths and dozens of injuries. However, this was not confined to Nairobi alone; protests erupted in 35 counties and 68 towns across Kenya. It all began when lawmakers passed a controversial Finance Bill  2024 introducing new taxes, sparking outrage among the citizens.

Tensions had been building for weeks as the government debated the new tax bill. Many Kenyans felt the taxes would unfairly burden the already struggling population. When news broke that the bill had been passed, it was like a match had been struck in a room full of gasoline.

Under the banner of #TotalShutdown, massive unarmed youth flooded the streets of Nairobi in protest. As they made their way towards parliament, they encountered barricades manned by officers. As the crowds swelled, the situation grew increasingly tense. Protesters, fueled by frustration and desperation, clashed with the police. Tear gas and water cannons were deployed, but the demonstrators were not deterred. 

In a wave of determination, they overwhelmed the police, who found themselves outnumbered and retreating.

Amid the chaos, flames erupted within the parliament compound. The sight of the iconic building on fire only intensified the emotions of the crowd. The protesters, many of whom were young and unemployed, saw this as their moment to take a stand.

“We want to shut down parliament and every MP should go down and resign,” shouted Davis Tafari, one of the protestors, his voice hoarse but resolute. His words echoed the sentiment of many who felt betrayed by their leaders.

The situation quickly spiralled out of control. Gunfire rang out, and panic set in. The peaceful protest turned into a deadly confrontation. A paramedic on the scene reported at least 50 people injured by gunfire. Tragically, at least five protesters were killed outside parliament.

The scenes were heartbreaking. Families searching for their loved ones, medics rushing to tend to the injured, and the air filled with the acrid smell of smoke and tear gas. It was a stark reminder of the heavy price paid in the fight for justice and accountability.

Across Kenya, similar scenes of protest and violence played out in various cities and towns. The entire nation seemed to be gripped by a wave of unrest. The anger and frustration were not confined to Nairobi but spread like wildfire, consuming the country.

As the sun set on that fateful Tuesday, Kenya was left to grapple with the aftermath of a day that had started with hope for change but ended in tragedy. The flames had been extinguished, but the embers of anger and dissatisfaction still lingered

As the nation mourns the loss of life and begins to heal, the call for accountability and justice remains louder than ever. The events of that day will not be easily forgotten, and they have left an indelible mark on the hearts of many Kenyans.

Press Statement: Condemning Police Brutality and the Use of Live Bullets on Peaceful Protesters in Kenya

Inuka Kenya Ni Sisi! Condemns the recent tragic events that have unfolded in our nation. The use of excessive force by the police, including live bullets, tear gas, and rubber bullets against peaceful demonstrators is a blatant violation of human rights and an affront to the principles of democracy and justice.

The peaceful protests on Tuesday, where thousands of Kenyans gathered to voice their opposition to the controversial Finance Bill 2024 in more than 60 towns and cities spread over more than 35 Counties, were met with violent response from the State. The loss of lives, including more than twenty protesters and caregivers who were shot dead, and the hundreds injured, is a tragedy that could and should have been avoided. The killing orgy went into the night with Githurai residents being butchered in large numbers with over 100 shot over 30 of them fatally … one person, we are told had more than 45 bullet wounds! 

We unequivocally condemn the actions of the Kenyan police and the deployment of the Kenyan army to suppress citizens exercising their democratic right to protest. The storming of parliament by demonstrators is a sign of Kenyans taking back their sovereignty from frustration and anger at a government prioritizing embezzlement of taxpayers’ hard-earned money and over-taxation at the expense of the common mwananchi. 

President William Ruto’s address to the nation, wherein he labelled protesters as criminals and their demonstrations as treasonous acts, is deeply troubling. His speech where he misread the constitution, was marked by a distinct lack of empathy and a tone filled with anger, with a notably cold delivery that failed to address the legitimate concerns raised by protesters and other Kenyans. Such rhetoric only serves to escalate tensions and does not contribute to finding a peaceful and just resolution. We insist that this is an effort to consolidate his dictatorship. The government’s stance is a stark reminder of the urgent need for accountability and reform within our nation’s institutions. 

Furthermore, we stand with various media outlets who have faced threats for their coverage of the protests. The media plays a crucial role in holding power to account and informing the public. Any attempts to silence the press are unacceptable and must be vehemently opposed.

In light of these events, we demand the following:

  1. Immediate Cessation of Violence: The police and military must immediately halt the use of force against peaceful protesters.
  2. Independent Investigation: A thorough and independent investigation into the deaths and injuries caused by police action must be conducted, and those responsible must be held accountable.
  3. Protection of Media Freedom: The government must cease its intimidation of the media and ensure the protection of journalists covering the protests.
  4. Abolition of the Finance Bill: The government must listen to its people and do away with the controversial Finance Bill 2024 that has sparked widespread outrage and protests.
  5. Constitutional adherence: The government must observe and obey the Constitution in letter and spirit.
  6. All churches/mosques/religious places must commit not to entertain any politician to speak. If allowed all congregants to move out.
  7. All media houses to desist from inviting MPs to their stations.
  8. Kithure Kindiki must give us a list of all shooters and they be arraigned in court or he resigns. Police should not agree to be deployed to kill people. 

We call on the international community to stand with the people of Kenya in this critical time and to support efforts to ensure justice, accountability, and the upholding of human rights.

Kenya is a nation built on the ideals of freedom and democracy. It is imperative that we uphold these values and work towards a just and equitable society for all.


Kawive Wambua
Deputy CEO Inuka Kenya Ni Sisi! Ltd